I was sure that I had already escaped from low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. So why was I still feeling insecure and everything was out to get me? I was always influenced by my inner self that I didn’t have the courage and motivation that is needed to be successful. A voice in my head always kept me awake at nights that no one loves me, no one wants to know about my feelings, no one values my opinions, and why they always ignored my presence? Am I so worthless that they don’t even care about my existence in the gathering? I began to believe that I can never be a successful person as I don’t have any special quality that makes me superior to others. I was thinking that I will always be in a fight between my goals and the inner voice that is my biggest enemy.

So how I can overcome this situation? The first step in this war is to stop listening to negative thoughts in your mind. If you can overcome the negativity within yourself, believe me, you have crossed half of the way towards success. Defeating the enemy in your mind is the biggest step for success and achieving your goals. You have set limitations for your thinking and passions. You have conditioned yourself to be a victim instead of a victor.

We hear many voices that somehow affect our overall attitude towards many aspects of life. Sometimes, you feel that these voices lead to the right paths, and sometimes, these voices stop you from achieving big. The biggest problem is to overcome your own mind’s voices. This voice tells us who we really are? What is our purpose and what is better for us and what is wrong with you?


First of all, you need to know about self-esteem and what is the meaning of self-esteem victim? Self-esteem is generally referred to as Self-worth and Self-respect. We all know it’s the most important part of our life. Too little self-esteem can leave people depressed and unsuccessful in any field. In psychology, the term self-esteem is described as the person’s overall personal value and sense of self-worth. In simple words you can say that self-esteem that how much you appreciate or like yourself. Self-esteem involves many concepts about your own personality, such as the appraisal of your own appearance and looks, emotions, and behaviors.


Self-confidence is not different from self-esteem but it is mainly about the assurance that you have for your decisions and thinking. If you value your decisions that means that you have powerful confidence and it will definitely lead to a better version of you.

The only way to break this mentality is to accept the wonderful qualities that you possess and use that experience as the groundwork for empowering yourself and others. Turn that into a springboard that will propel you forward. What things can you do to improve yourself, how can others benefit from your experience? How can you turn your failures into successes? How can you step out, leaving all that happened to you behind, and say I am going for it because if I stay here I’m going to shrivel up and if I go forward there is a greater chance of me thriving!

There is no rocket science that you need to master to embrace the true you. Here are five simple steps that I followed to embrace the true me:

1.  Change your thought pattern

If you don’t change your thought pattern, you will not be able to get past your past. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror and look past all the flaws we see in the mirror. Who we are is not skin deep, it’s deeper than that! Who we truly are lies within our souls. Start looking at your personality noticed how I underlined ‘person’ yes, look at the person and start to name out your personality traits and the things you like and build up and improve on those. And the things that you dislike, well work on them or employ them.

2. Write

Write down at least eight to ten things about yourself that you like and why.

3. Vocalize 

Now, that we have written down what we like about ourselves, speak it out to yourself two to three times a day. Why? Because of the world that we are in, people may not want to tell you or acknowledge your worth, therefore you have to tell it to yourself.  Do this for a minimum of 21 to 30 days.  Repetition whether young or old develops a habit and you want to start believing more of who you are rather than who you’re not.

4. Make a plan

Make a plan on how to foster and nurture those personality traits that can benefit you and others. Write down one to two things that you can improve on and then research what tools or resources you need to help get you there. Ensure you focus only on one or two and don’t stop until you have completed that project.

Guess what? You have now become the victor! Because you took a failure or a bad situation, improved yourself, and experienced the finished work and now you can…

5. Share your Experience

Share your experience with others. Whether it is one on one, in a small group setting, or in a motivational setting, now you can help others get past their past.

Mind you in all of this, support from those who are close to you and desire to see you grow, thrive, and improve should definitely be a part of this process.

Congratulations, you’ve taken great steps in Embracing the true you!